Saturday, April 10, 2010


Every story has an end. When people undertake a wonderful adventure, they live it, love it and never expect it will end some day. It is somehow like parents; we love them, they are just here with us and no one even imagine that parents could leave one day. But they do, for every little story, every book, every song or movie has an end. My blog story ends today. However, this does not mean people cannot listen again to finished song or read an old book or watch again their favorite movie. Hopefully, there exist other books, journals, magazines, web pages and blogs that make our songs, movies and books live forever. This is what my blog was about. Certainly, I have had a blog because I was assigned to in order to report and inform, to assess information on the web, and to learn how to select the one I need. I did not see things like that though. I learned that I can enjoy my work in SSK; so I did. My blog was a way to dive in star wars’ world. I discovered Industrial Light and Magic, how costumes are made, how actors are made-up and how scenes are simulated. I think the hardest part was finding the supports. Before every assignment, I had to spend a pretty long time looking for the perfect book, article or blog which took a lot of time. This hard part is what discouraged me from beginning the assignment; so I rather postponed it. But once I began, (I won’t say I enjoyed J) I appreciated doing it. I hated the first preliminary questions we had for the first three entries however. I found them too specific and too standard. They are made for every subject in general and sometimes they did not mach with my subject, so I had to struggle to find an answer.

In my subject, “New Technologies and 7th Art”, I mostly focused on one case: Star Wars, because star wars is the big bang of the story of special effects. Lucas created a movie production company, Lucasfilm Ltd, in order to realize his movie as no other movie production accepted to produce star wars. Then he created Industrial Light and Magic (ilm) in order to produce the special effects needed for the movie. Now, ilm is the most recognized and rewarded company in special effects field. It has worked with a lot of great movies such as The Lord of the Rings, Terminator, Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park etc… in my researches I found a book, Industrial Light and Magic, a blog, and many other articles from journal and others that explain clearly and in details the process of creating special effects, and the techniques used for that. Even though I did not understand everything, because it is a very technical language, I got the main point of how the ilm produced some magnificent scenes from almost nothing.

To conclude I must say I appreciated doing researches about star wars and ilm.I did not find having a blog very interesting; it is not difficult though. I think that the main point from having one is to share the information with other people which is very important to evolve as a society. In fact, interaction is one of the most important factors that make the humanity learn and evolve. I know that people would say that a single project would never touch anyone, but it may interest one single person among 6 billions actually. And if it is the case, my project and also other people’s projects will not be worthless.

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