Saturday, April 10, 2010


Lucas, George. "Star Wars Blog". Lucasfilm. April 5, 2010 .

“Welcome to the Official Star Wars Blog at Wordpress, crafted by the folks from Lucas Online. This blog was launched when staff of Lucas Online was reporting live from Celebration IV. It provided readers with the latest news as it happened”. This is the greeting from the homepage of the star wars’ blog. The star wars project was more than a simple movie. It was a dream that seemed as far as the galaxy that the movie was telling us about. However, George Lucas and his family believed that one day they will be able to reach their dream. So, with faith, love and hard work they managed to realize their dream and managed by the same occasion to create a dream for all the fans. is the official blog of the movie. It is therefore one of the most reliable sources of information that exist, and the most credible, reliable blog on the saga. As the homepage says, it is “crafted by the folks from Lucas Online”. That increases the credibility of the articles provided by the blog which the readers can rely on without any doubt. Briefly, I think that the fact that the editors of the blog are all from the team that made the movie is the biggest guarantee that the blog is 100% reliable. Furthermore, the homepage says also that the blog “provide(s) the readers with the latest news as it happen(s)” which does not only mean that the blog gives the latest information, but is also one of the first means of information that the star wars project uses to diffuse the news. We can then deduce that the information given is the most accurate ones.
The blog’s objectivity is various. The articles report on Star Wars events: conferences, conventions and gala parties. They inform about everything related to star wars: Lucasfilm, Industrial Light and Magic, star wars actors … The blog is very wide. It is impossible to surround it and talk about it in few lines. The blog has many sub-subjects. It is classified by topics that are all linked to star wars. The blog lacks of objectivity as it over praises star wars’ related companies and organizations. For instance one of the articles stated the following: “This Clone Wars meets Casablanca mashup art by Rocket Pistol is pure brilliance. Fingers crossed that we get more from this awesome artist!”. The blog is a tribute to star wars. It glorifies and celebrates everything about it. However, it is also a means of communication and information; so, if we go to some topics such as ILM, we will find that the articles give information about ilm’s work. It can inform about the techniques used to develop the visual effects on other cinematographic projects for instance. The articles’ are then very objective as they give clear, detailed descriptions that are scientifically approved and that cannot be biased by any interior factor.

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